Álvaro Gómez-Trénor Aguilar
Non-executive Director
Appointed: March 2018
Independent: No
Key strengths/experience:
- Broad knowledge of working in the food and beverage industry
- Extensive understanding of the Coca-Cola system, particularly in Iberia
- Expertise in finance and investment banking
- Strategic and investment advisor to businesses in varied sectors
Key external commitments:
Director of Olive Partners, S.A.
Previous roles:
Various board appointments in the Coca-Cola system, including as President of Begano, S.A., director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, S.A., as well as key executive roles in Grupo Pas and Garcon Vallvé & Contreras and director of Global Omnium (Aguas de Valencia, S.A.) and Sinensis Seed Capital SCR de RC, S.A.
Committee memberships: None