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Human Rights

Human Rights

Respect for human rights is fundamental to the sustainability of the global Coca-Cola system and the communities in which we operate. At Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), we are committed to ensuring that everyone who works in our operations and within our supply chain is treated with dignity and respect.

Our Human Rights policy

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CCEP's Human Rights Policy aligns with international human rights principles contained in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labor Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Global Compact. The Directive applies to the CCEP, the companies it owns, the companies in which it holds a minority stake and the entities it manages.

In 2021, we revised our Human Rights Policy to reflect CCEP's expanded focus and the specifics of our new Australia, Pacific and Indonesia (API) business areas. In the course of this, we have included land ownership, water resources and environmental impacts.


Report concerns

Please contact us if you have observed or have any indications of a violation of human rights or environmental protection at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP)


For more information on reporting concerns, click here.


Report a concern

Damian Gammell, Chief Executive Officer CCEP

"At Coca-Cola Europacific Partners, we are clearly committed to the highest standards in ethics and human rights. This commitment applies to our employees and all of our suppliers who help us manufacture and deliver our products every day."

Milestones in our commitment to human rights

April 2017 April 2017 June 2018 October 2018 January 2019 March 2019 May 2019 November 2019 April 2020 May 2020 July 2020 October 2020 November 2020 January 2021 May 2021 November 2021 December 2021 End of 2021 May to September 2022 June 2022 October 2022 November 2022 December 2022

April 2017

Published our first Modern Slavery statement 



June 2018

Published our Human Rights Restructuring Guidelines and our second Modern Slavery Statements


January 2019

Conducted Human Rights risk assessments and interviews


May 2019

Published our third Modern Slavery Statement

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April 2020

Held training sessions for procurement teams and key supply chain stakeholders on human rights and modern slavery and their role in our commitments

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July 2020

Launched our inclusion and diversity philosophy to create a culture where everyone's welcome to be themselves, be valued and belong

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November 2020

Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for a fifth year (one of just four companies to be listed on the DJSI World Index and one of three to be listed on the DJSI Europe Index)

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May 2021

Published a separate report on European-wide efforts including the results of a European risk analysis by CCEP


December 2021

Unified our human rights directive for the European and Pacific

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May to September 2022

Conducted risk analyses on human rights in Spain, Norway and Indonesia 

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October 2022

Harmonised the Code of Conduct and launched the "Speak Up" campaign in European business units


December 2022

Implemented a Europe-wide training on human rights for all employees


April 2017

Published our Human Rights policy


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October 2018

Ranked by Know The Chain Benchmark for the first time and held internal Human Rights workshops to develop an action plan


March 2019

Held our second internal Human Rights workshop to discuss the results of the risk assessment interviews and agree key issues for our business

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November 2019

Signed the European Works Council Agreement


May 2020

Published our fourth Modern Slavery Statement and published our updated Human Rights Policy


October 2020

Ranked by Know The Chain Benchmark for the second time and held our first information and consultation process with the European Works Council


January 2021

Implemented the procedure for responding to a violation of human rights


November 2021

Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

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End of 2021

Working with FRDM, which specialises in mapping, monitoring and risk assessment of suppliers and their supply chains from a modern slavery perspective


June 2022

Published joint Modern Slavery Statements based on legislation in Great Britain and Australia


November 2022

Listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability index for the 7th Year in a row


April 2017

Published our first Modern Slavery statement 



April 2017

Published our Human Rights policy



June 2018

Published our Human Rights Restructuring Guidelines and our second Modern Slavery Statements

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October 2018

Ranked by Know The Chain Benchmark for the first time and held internal Human Rights workshops to develop an action plan


January 2019

Conducted Human Rights risk assessments and interviews


March 2019

Held our second internal Human Rights workshop to discuss the results of the risk assessment interviews and agree key issues for our business


May 2019

Published our third Modern Slavery Statement

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November 2019

Signed the European Works Council Agreement

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April 2020

Held training sessions for procurement teams and key supply chain stakeholders on human rights and modern slavery and their role in our commitments


May 2020

Published our fourth Modern Slavery Statement and published our updated Human Rights Policy

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July 2020

Launched our inclusion and diversity philosophy to create a culture where everyone's welcome to be themselves, be valued and belong


October 2020

Ranked by Know The Chain Benchmark for the second time and held our first information and consultation process with the European Works Council

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November 2020

Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for a fifth year (one of just four companies to be listed on the DJSI World Index and one of three to be listed on the DJSI Europe Index)


January 2021

Implemented the procedure for responding to a violation of human rights

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May 2021

Published a separate report on European-wide efforts including the results of a European risk analysis by CCEP


November 2021

Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index


December 2021

Unified our human rights directive for the European and Pacific

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End of 2021

Working with FRDM, which specialises in mapping, monitoring and risk assessment of suppliers and their supply chains from a modern slavery perspective

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May to September 2022

Conducted risk analyses on human rights in Spain, Norway and Indonesia 


June 2022

Published joint Modern Slavery Statements based on legislation in Great Britain and Australia

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October 2022

Harmonised the Code of Conduct and launched the "Speak Up" campaign in European business units


November 2022

Listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability index for the 7th Year in a row


December 2022

Implemented a Europe-wide training on human rights for all employees