CCEP Indonesia Participated at the "Implementing the Tri Hita Concept in Realizing a Circular Economy" Sem
As one of the speakers at the Seminar entitled "Implementation of the Tri Hita Concept in Realizing a Circular Economy" at STIE Satya Dharma, Singaraja, Bali, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia, represented by Armytanti Hanum Kasmito as the Regional Public Affairs Manager of the company, gave a presentation on the circular economy concept which is also in line with CCEP Indonesia's commitment in the environmental sector.
This concept emphasizes recycling items previously considered waste to become economic value products. It is expected to reduce the natural resources extracted. CCEP Indonesia carries out this effort to protect the environment by removing all PET bottles to be recycled and resold, thereby reducing the use of virgin PET.
It is also hoped that this implementation can be carried out in academic circles such as at STIE Satya Dharma Singaraja, which has an Eco-Campus theme, starting from the concept of sorting organic and inorganic waste and being able to take advantage of the existing waste.
Through the minutes of the collaboration that has been established with STIE Satya Dharma Singaraja, CCEP Indonesia can provide references for waste management that STIE Satya Dharma Singaraja, Bali, can implement through the Eco Campus program.