
CCEP Indonesia Held Health Check Activity with Jatiwangi Residents, Zone 1 Bekasi 2 Plant

Health Check Bekasi 2


As part of the continuation of the Desa Bestrari program, a community and environmental development program owned by Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP Indonesia), on Sunday, January 28 2024, a health check activity was carried out with CCEP Indonesia and Jatiwangi residents and located in the Taman Limo Tourism Village, which is a Zone 1 Bekasi 2 Plant area, to remind residents of the importance of maintaining health and improving good relations between CCEP Indonesia and residents.

This event was attended by representatives from CCEP Indonesia, the Bekasi 2 Plant team, the sales team, MSMEs, students from several universities, and residents of Jatiwangi Village. This health check activity was a collaboration between CCEP Indonesia and University of Indonesia nursing students as activity facilitators. As a form of education for residents, there is counselling about the importance of health and an appeal for residents to always maintain the environment, especially cleanliness at home, by throwing rubbish in its proper place.

In the future, CCEP Indonesia will support resident's health and community development activities, especially for MSMEs in the Taman Limo Tourism village, where they previously provided basic knowledge training and MSME assistance. CCEP Indonesia also supports MSMEs by providing GDM and products marketed in outlets around Taman Limo.