
CCEP Indonesia Shares Nona Helix Waste Management Approach in Innoscape 2023

2023 Innoscape v3


On Tuesday, 14 February 2023, CCEP Indonesia, represented by Lucia Karina (PACS Director), shared about #NonaHelix Waste Management approach at Prasetiya Mulya University Innoscape 2023 Conference. 

The Nonahelix concept is principally similar to the Penta Helix concept that is used in a waste management system that enhances collaboration among five (penta) stakeholders: government, industry, academia, public, and social entrepreneurs or NGOs.

In her presentation, Lucia Karina shared her two cents. In her many years of experience working closely with many parties in waste management, she learned that it takes more than five stakeholders to deliver practical solutions & drive the implementation of a closed loop Circular Economy. 

We need another four stakeholders to partner and collaborate: we need to work with the community to do behaviour change about waste collection & segregation, media and key opinion leaders who can influence us, the public, in triggering that behaviour change.

We also need financial institutions to invest and provide financial incentives so that the community & public, in general, are more eager to do waste collection & segregation.

We need NGOs to fuel such movement with the community and provide policy recommendations or technology solutions to waste issues. These stakeholders are also crucial to complement what government, industry, and academia could deliver toward the circular economy.

In addition, Nona Helix's approach was designed and inspired by the State foundation and Ideology of Indonesia, Pancasila and the culture that has developed in Indonesian society for a long time, being depply rooted in the lives of our society, namely gotong royong.

Nonahelix_Waste Management.png

Watch more CCEP Indonesia's presentation at Innoscape 2023: (minutes 2:56:19)