
CCEP Indonesia Builds Collaboration for Local MSMEs Training in Bekasi

2023JKT DesaBestariUMKMTrisakti v3


Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) Indonesia has always been committed to making a positive contribution in all areas of its operational area and supporting economic strength and development in Bekasi Regency, where CCEP Indonesia operates. 

\We realize that MSMEs are the foundation of the main strength of the Indonesian economy because they have the potential for a solid national economic base. After all, the number of MSMEs, especially micro businesses, is vast, and the absorption capacity of the workforce is huge. This business base has also proven strong in facing the economic crisis.

To support MSMEs and the community entrepreneurial economic movement, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia together with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Trisakti University (Doctoral Program in Economics with the Concentration of Islamic Economics & Finance), Master of Economics and Diploma 3 MICE) collaborate to realize their commitment to support and further strengthen this economic power through the "CCEP Indonesia Bestari Village UMKM Training". This support strategy is, of course, with an awareness to be sustainable, requiring collaboration from all stakeholders.

This activity material was given starting from the utilization of the potential of the surrounding environment to be used as the primary resource, sources of financing and finance for MSMEs, to product packaging and marketing. The training activity was held on 4 February 2023 at Sukadanau Village, West Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, and attended by more than 30 MSME players from 13 types of products and business activities supported by local government officials and Community Leaders.

This training is also a communication medium to determine MSMEs' conditions and needs through direct access to MSMEs, so sharpening their support strategy will progress and level up. This way,  we will help strengthen our national economic fundamentals for a developed Indonesia.