CCEP Indonesia Gives Educational Assistance to Students in Medan City
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Indonesia (CCEP Indonesia) once again gave educational scholarship assistance to 16 elementary, middle, high school and university students from various schools and campuses in Medan City and its surroundings. The symbolic handover of scholarships was carried out in the hall of the Besar office, Medan Labuhan District, on Sunday, August 27, 2023. The handover procession was attended by the head of Besar District, the Chair of the PKK Kelurahan Besar, the Head of Ward 8 of Besar District, representatives of CCEP Indonesia and parents and recipient participants—scholarship assistance.
Based on the previous selection process with the Besar District Government, 16 children of four elementary school-level children, three middle school-level children, four high school-level children and four college-level children received educational scholarship assistance from CCEP Indonesia.
The Education Assistance/Scholarship Program is CCEP Indonesia's commitment, which is realized yearly in the education sector. This year, CCEP Indonesia is collaborating with the Besar District Government with the Change Action Program "GANDIAPLUS," (Gerakan Peduli Anak Putus Sekolah) which is a Movement to Care for Out of School Children.