Supporting Marine Conservation Through Collective Action in Semarang
Various community groups in Semarang Regency held the Clean River Program (Prokasih) at Jurang Belik River, Mlilir Village and Santri Lulang River, Poncorosa Village, last weekend (6/18). The action, which involved at least 400 people from the government, private sector, and the public, became a real action to reduce waste ending up in the sea.
“After all, rivers flow into the sea. Hopefully, the sea will be clean with a clean river,” said Plant Operation Manager Semarang Plant CCEP Indonesia Ambrosius Padang Nurmandito on the sidelines of the activity.
In addition to involving employees as volunteers, CCEP Indonesia also donated segregated waste bins to the community.
The hope is that in addition to preventing waste from being wasted, there will be public awareness of the importance of the waste sorting process. So that the amount of waste, even those that end up in landfills, can be reduced.
The Prokasih program also installs a ban on throwing waste in the river at a number of points and spreading fish seeds in the river. It was recorded that 1,060 kilograms of waste were collected from this activity.
The Head of the Semarang Regency Environmental Service Heru Purwanto appreciated the involvement of various community groups, including the industry, in Prokasih program. “The involvement of various parties is the key to the success of this program,” he said on the sidelines of the activity led by the Regent of Semarang, Ngesti Nugraha.
Regional Corporate Affairs Manager of CCEP Indonesia, Armytanti Hanum Kasmito said the company's support for Prokasih is a concrete manifestation of CCEP Indonesia's commitment to achieving its sustainability action plan. “We believe that even the smallest action to protect the environment will ultimately have a big impact,” he said.
This month, people around the world are celebrating World Ocean Day with the theme “Revitalization: Collective Action for the Ocean”. The theme departs from the problem of oceans around the world. In fact, the sea is the source of life for mankind and dominates the world's covering up to 70 percent.
It is within the framework of this collective action, according to Army, that Prokasih activities find relevance with marine conservation. “Environmental conservation is a collective effort, although anyone can initiate it,” he said.