
Empowering Local Women and MSMEs in Bekasi Through Entrepreneurship Training

2022JKT WirausahaIbuPKK v3


To support Bekasi Regency Government's efforts to develop local MSME as a significant contributor to their economic growth, CCEP Indonesia held an entrepreneurship training for communities around CCEP Indonesia Bekasi 1 Plant, Cikarang District, on Saturday (5/11).

The training entitled "Reaching for the Dream of Empowered Mothers in Entrepreneurship" was attended by dozens of mothers and housewives, and opened by Betty Wardhani, Chair of the PKK Mobilizing Team, West Cikarang District.

"The entrepreneurship training conducted by CCEP Indonesia supports government programs to grow the economic sector of Bekasi Regency. Moreover, this training involves women who have considerable entrepreneurial potential. Through this training, we hope it will grow the number of existing MSMEs and can positively affect the economic growth of Bekasi Regency," said Betty on the occasion of her speech.

Not only that, Betty added that the growth of the entrepreneurial sector in Bekasi Regency will help overcome the unemployment problem that is currently still a challenge in Bekasi Regency. "The increase in MSMEs has the opportunity to open up new job opportunities," added Betty, who is also part of the Bekasi Regency Unemployment Acceleration Coordination Team.

This entrepreneurship assistance activity is part of the Bestari Village program initiated by CCEP Indonesia. Through its four main pillars, namely the Environment, Entrepreneurship, Health and Education sectors, this program has been running since 2021.

"The program carried out by CCEP Indonesia is part of the company's support for the Bekasi Regency Government's efforts to grow the regional economic sector. Besides, it is part of the community empowerment program around the company's operations, especially women, who have an important role in the community's social structure. We want to move forward with the environment in our operational areas to achieve a sustainable business," said Radita Wicaksana, Corporate Affairs Manager of CCEP Indonesia.

In this mentoring program, as many as thirty participants, all mothers from three RTs (Rukun Tetangga) in Dusun III, Sukadanau Village, attend the training for five meetings. Later, the participants will receive material on the basics of being a 'mother-preneur', business financial reports, marketing and branding, business digitization and business optimization through social media.