Various community groups, from the government, private sectors and various environmental volunteers took part in the collective waste collection entitled “World Clean Up Day” (WCD) around the Simpang Lima area on Sunday, September 25, 2022. The action which succeeded in collecting 137 kg of dry waste has been going well in Indonesia since 2018-2021 with Central Java as the largest volunteer contributor, 9 million out of a total of 22 million volunteers recorded.
The activity carried the theme “Action for Clean Environment in Efforts to Change Waste Handling Behaviour”, which was followed by a workshop and socialization of waste management to the community. Central Java WCD leader Muchammad Bima Gegana Sakti explained that the waste collected in each subsequent action will be handed over to waste management partners, such as TPST3R, local NGOs, and waste banks before ending up in the landfill.
“Hopefully this waste collection action can be an educational tool to raise public awareness on waste issues,” said Plant Operation Manager Semarang Plant CCEP Indonesia, Ambrosius Padang Nurmandito, on the sidelines of the activity. In addition to involving employees as Volunteers, CCEP Indonesia also distributed 500 waste bags, and 2 units of segregated waste bins to the community. The hope is that there will be public awareness of the importance of the waste sorting process, so that the amount of waste, even those that have to end up in landfills, can be reduced. In line with this, the Deputy Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu appreciated the involvement of CCEP Indonesia and WCD volunteers who had initiated, invited and mobilized various communities to jointly address the waste problem.
In the previous year, CCEP Indonesia together with WCD Central Java had also carried out socialization of #Separate Garbage From Home, as part of educating the public. This needs to be done because the waste issue will not be solved just by throwing waste in its place. Requires a real follow-up to the World Clean Up Day action, including through the initiation of waste management in each village to sort out waste that has a sale value and which can be reused.
Regional Corporate Affairs Manager, CCEP Indonesia Armytanti Hanum kasmito said participation in WCD is a tangible manifestation of CCEP Indonesia's commitment to achieving a sustainability action plan. “We believe that even the smallest action on waste management will ultimately have a big impact,” she said.