
CCEP Indonesia Provides Clean Water Access For Local Residents Around Lampung Plant

2022SSO BantuanAirBersih


In line with CCEP's group sustainability actions, CCEP Indonesia is committed to helping communities around our operational facilities to develop together. This is also supported by the Socialization of the Clean Water Assistance Program to Zona-1 community leaders in Sukanegara Village, Lampung which was held on Thursday, 23 June 2022 at the CCEP Indonesia Lampung Plant.

This event was led by the Plant Operations Manager, Teguh Widodo and was witnessed by representatives of Zone-1 community leaders and also involved officials from the South Lampung Regency Environmental Service. In this socialization, CCEP Indonesia informed all stakeholders involved regarding the distribution plan for clean water assistance, including the distribution points.

This program was well received by the people of Zone-1 and was also highly appreciated by the South Lampung Regency Environmental Service.