CCEP Indonesia Celebrates National Children Day with Green School Students in Lampung
In celebrating National Children's Day, CCEP Indonesia, together with the Sahabat Gajah Waste Bank and the South Lampung Regency Environmental Office, conducted educational activities for elementary school students around the CCEP Indonesia Lampung Plant area. The primary school students who are the target of this activity are students from CCEP Indonesia target schools in the Green School program, where the activity took place on Tuesday, August 2. This activity was also attended by teachers and school staff as their daily companions who felt the need to have better waste management provisions.
In this activity, the participants learned to maintain water security, food security, recycling and also the concept of a circular economy through a waste bank. Through routine waste management education activities, CCEP Indonesia aims to raise the children's awareness to create create a greener future since early age. In particular, this will also make the targeted schools become green schools with an environmental perspective that become role models for many other schools in Lampung province.