
Add more life to your occasion!

Jucy Pineapple


Since the 1970’s Jucy has been providing refreshments to all Fijians with great flavours like Orange, Pineapple, Lime and Fruit Cocktail. Jucy is locally produced and has always been a homegrown name synonymous with festive occasions, special occasions and many local celebrations. To add more life to your occasions, Jucy now comes in a new amazing flavor – Jucy passion fruit.

Following the launch of Jucy passion fruit last month, Jucy sampling activations is ongoing to ensure that consumers get a chance to taste the product. More than 2500 consumers across various organizations and locations have been given the opportunity to try the new Jucy passion fruit. Majority of the consumers loved the taste of the Jucy passion fruit, describing it as “rich” or “fresh and nice” and many of them bought the new flavour as soon as they tried it.

Our sampling activations team had the opportunity to provide sampling of Jucy passion fruit at the Women’s Flea Market – Art Food and Wine Festival event at Damodar City on International Women’s Day last week. The turnout at the event was great and Jucy passion fruit was one of the popular booths at the event. This is what those who tried the new Jucy passion fruit had to say about it.

Jucy Passionfruit is available in 1L and 2.25L packs along with the other Jucy flavours – Fruit Cocktail, Lime, Pineapple and Orange. The Jucy range of products is available Fiji wide in most retail outlets and service stations across Fiji. Get your single serve or 6 pack today.

The passion fruit flavouring will give you a refreshing tropical taste that will leave your taste buds amazed. No matter which flavour you like, Jucy has it all! Jucy is available in Orange, Pineapple, Lime and Fruit cocktail flavours.  The next time you are shopping, look out for the new Jucy passion fruit. Add more life to your occasion. Try the new Jucy passion fruit today