Forward on Water Hero v2

Forward on Water

Water Stewardship

Water is an essential resource both for our own business and across our value chain.

We treat water with the care it deserves, aiming to reduce our water consumption on a continual basis and protect local water sources for future generations.

Global water crises such as water scarcity are ranked among the highest risks to the economy and society.

CCEP depends on a sustainable and high quality supply of water. Not only is water the main ingredient in many of our products, it’s also essential for our manufacturing processes, and for growing the agricultural ingredients we depend upon.

To address water scarcity challenges and take care of our water resources, we adopt a value chain approach to water management. We’re focused on reducing the water we use in our production facilities, including the safe return to nature of 100% of our wastewater. Our actions on water helps us to support UN Sustainable Development Goal 6.

Our Commitment

  • Water Reduction
  • Water Protection
  • Water Replenishment
Water Reduction
IMG 2315 v2

We aim to make our production facilities as water efficient as possible and we measure performance through our water use ratio.

We monitor our company-wide water use, setting annual targets and identifying opportunities to reduce our consumption. 

We’re continuing to invest in water saving systems to make our manufacturing and cleaning processes more water efficient.

Water Protection

We ensure that 100% of our wastewater is safely returned to nature. Before water is discharged from any of our manufacturing sites, we apply the highest standards of treatment.

Water Replenishment
Walanduom FGS

We’ll replenish 100% of the water we use in our beverages. Together with The Coca-Cola Company, we continue to replenish the water we use in areas of water stress in partnership with local NGOs and community groups.