AlDia Descargas CabeceraHero 2880x940 2

Existing Suppliers

Existing Suppliers

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Our standard terms and conditions apply to all Purchase Orders created by us unless otherwise agreed in a formal procurement contract. The Terms and Conditions of Purchase apply to Purchase Orders created after 18 November 2013.

Purchase Orders created prior to 18 November 2013 are subject to an earlier version of our Terms and Conditions of Purchase.

The HS&E policy referenced in the Terms and Conditions is available here.

Purchase Orders

An approved purchase order will be sent to you via e-mail. The approved and correct purchase order number relating to the goods or services you provide us must be included on your invoice, and it must be computer generated. Please do not hand-write it on. Valid purchase order numbers are ten digits long with ’45’ or ‘N’ prefix.

CCEP NZ has a strict No PO No Pay policy, which means goods cannot be supplied (and invoices will not be paid) without a first receiving a valid purchase order number.

Accounts Payable Process

We have streamlined and improved the way we do business with suppliers. These requirements will help ensure your invoice moves through our improved system without delay. Invoices, including the purchase order number, must be computer-generated (not hand-written). The purchase order number must relate to the goods or services provided to us and for which is being charged for on the invoice. Include only one invoice per attachment (multiple attachments within one email are allowed). A copy can be sent to your CCEP NZ contact if required. Please contact us if you wish to discuss or have difficulty meeting any of the above invoice requirements. You can email us or phone us on 0800 262 226.

Where to Send Your Invoice

Invoices must be sent to CCEP NZ, Accounts Payable.  If required, please only send a COPY to your CCEP NZ contact, if requested. Please only send one copy to Accounts Payable.  If you are unsure whether we have received your Invoice, please email us or phone us on 0800 262 226.

Email: [email protected]

Accounts Payable
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners NZ Limited
Private Bag 115 123
Auckland 1140


Our preferred payment method is Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). With EFT, payments can be electronically deposited directly into your company’s designated bank account through our nominated clearing house.

Payment Terms

Our standard payment terms are third business day of the second month following the month in which a valid tax invoice is received, provided that the Deliverables for which payment is being claimed have been accepted by Coca Cola Europacific Partners NZ.

Contact Us

Phone: 0800 262 226
Email: [email protected]